Adam and Eve are happy but they do have their moments…
Eve: Adam darling, do you love me …
Adam busy fishing, “eh? yeah..”
Eve: Look at me.
Adam trying to ignore
Eve: You don’t love me anymore?
Adam finally looking at her: yeah tell me
Eve: am I beautiful?
Adam: Beautiful as compared to who? there is only one of you here?
Eve stomps out in frustration
Adam “God, why? I preferred my rib”…
Meanwhile God yells: “Let there be a tree with real juicy fruits”
The skys thunder, and behold a beautiful tree appears
The Angels praise, giving back slaps to God and say, awesome tree, Adam and eve will love it, the fruits do look delicious.
God: No they are forbidden to eat the fruits of that tree
Angels: Then keep the tree here in the Heaven what purpose does it serve there?
Devil: You mere Angels won’t understand the complexity of Gods work.
God summons Adam and Eve
God: You both need to know I have a new tree now, can you see that tree?
Adam and Eve: yes
God: The new one
Adam and Eve: yes
God: in the centre of the garden?
Adam and Eve: yes
God: the one with Shiny leaves
Adam and Eve: yes
God: The one with juicy fruits the tastiest of them all
Devil: giggles..
God gives him a stern look
Adam and Eve: wow
God: ah I forgot to mention, I forbid you to eat the fruits.
Adam and Eve: ok as you wish.
Adam approaches Eve realising he was too harsh on her.
Eve is silent
Adam: all fine?
Eve: you should know!
Adam: know what?
Eve is silent
Adam is silent
Eve sheds a tear
Adam: Oh no not the tears, when God said I will be your master he never mentioned the power of tears.. You know I would do anything for you
Eve: Anything?
Adam: sure
Eve: Eat that new juicy fruit to prove my love
Adam: hey this is the one God forbad us to have
Eve: All i hear is excuses
Adam: fine,
Adam walks towards the tree, as he approaches it, he sees that the fruits have fallen on the ground are rotting as no one eats them, there is this intoxicating smell.
Adam picks up a fallen fruit and has a bite, he likes it, has another bite, soon he is eating more fruits, he invites Eve to taste too and soon both are laughing and having a good time.
Eve: Hic, I had enough, want to have some more fun..
Adam: yeah Hic.. whats the plan
Eve: see the Devil is walking our way I will lead the conversation..
Devil walks by and notices Adam eating the fruits and panics “Hey u are not suppose to eat that”
Eve to Adam: “See Adam a talking snake!”
Devil: Snake? Look here lady I am the Devil
Adam: Eve you stand corrected it’s a talking snake who thinks it’s the Devil
Devil is upset and goes to complain into God
God summons Adam and Eve
God: How dare u disobey me
Adam: Hic!
Eve is quiet
God: You dont know what you have done
Devil: Ask them about the snake bit
Adam: Dont yell its ringing my ears..
God trys to calm the situation: Cool down.. cool down.. everyone.
Eve: Hic God, you look tired take some rest
God: I am God I dont get tired.
Eve: sure you do
God: No
Eve: you do.. you do hic
God: Eve I am telling you the last time, I dont
Eve: then why did u need to rest on the 7th day
God: clearing his throat.. err that was different
Adam: Hic.. God I have a question
God feeling uncomfortable: yeah?
Adam: Hic.. You created the earth and heaven out of nothing right?
God: yeah
Adam: and all the mountains and rivers?
God: feeling pleased: yeah
Adam: and all the plants and trees and the fruits and flowers
God: hehe yeah I did
Adam: and the animals and me
God: yeah
Adam: hic… all out of nothing, which is awesome
God: hehe thats not a big deal
Adam: then why did u need MY rib to create EVE?
God just leaves them.. Devil follows Him
Panel of Angels to God and Devil: We have decided to separate you two, you both are bad influence on each other, Devil you will now stay in a new place called Hell, and Adam and Eve also need to leave garden of Eden, its not a good place for them after what you have done.
Few days earlier (The FLASHBACK which fills the missing GAPS)
God: Alcohol is banned in Heaven all because of you, I am already being criticized by the panel of Angels about drinking too much.. after creating Adam on the sixth day, were you not the one who said “just one more round” after every round. I was in no condition to work on the 7th day and Angels still mock about it and call it “Sun (Sober Up Now) day”, and then the another time your idea of playing boomerang to see who is drunk the most.
Devil: It was not me who decided to just make one using Adams rib.
God: quietly now!!, Adam might hear you… he still believes I used it to create Eve, he should not know.
Devil: you know alcohol is not banned on Earth, only in Heaven..
God: you crafty old Devil! Let me make a tree which bears the right juicy fruits for fermenting it to alcohol.
The picture on the right was clicked at Divar island, Goa.
Setting: F/5.0, 1/1000 sec, ISO: 200, 88mm with EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS lens