Previous title: Creepy tree
ok ok, I do admit I click crazy snaps at times, but I loved this one. Its fantastic. It looks like from some … “The Lords of the Ring” scene. Almost whispering .. “Go away”.. ok I better go to sleep now.. Its late.
23/03/2009 – I got a lot of compliments for this snap, some posted comments, some emailed me, some even called me. Vinod suggested I changed the name to “The Ent” (google it if you want to see what it means) which fits the description and I feel silly or not thinking about it especially since I mentioned in the blog it reminds me of “The Lords of the Ring”. Thanks Vinod. I almost can see one branch reach out like an arm. Brr… should not have stood so close to this one.. one never knows…
LOve It…Love It..LOve it!!!!
The angle cudn’t have been better……does look creepy!
My favorite one from this collection……