Few weeks back, on the way to Martins Corner we lost our way towards the end and reached the beach. It looked so beautiful just before sunset that we were all eager to get down and explore it a bit. The majestic sky looking down upon this humble shed of a lifeguard tower and the sun showing its presence with a orange hue at the edge of the clouds would have been captured even more beautifully if I had my wide angle lens along, however even with the standard 18mm it seems to have done some justice to make this moment permanent.
As we walked around clicking snaps and discussing the good decision my friend made to visit for few days during to monsoon as the rainfall was practically negligible, the heavy water laden clouds seem to give us a menace look.. with a downpour few minutes later. Reluctantly we turned back to Martins corner to drown our sorrow :)
Well one more beach added to my quest to photograph all Goan beaches.
From this snap onwards all my images will be a bit larger than before. Earlier I used a crop window of 1440 x 1440 and now I use 1600 x 1600.
That’s one amazing sky out there….WOW…you are one lucky guy to be there at that moment to capture this amazing shot. Great going Anu!!!
Thanks Ren. Yeah, perfect timing.